Who is with you?
This one of my really close friends. Her name is Chaise.
How do you know each other?
Our parents are really close and we’ve been on vacations together since we were babies.
Where were you in this picture and what are you eating?
I was at Princeton University at the Grand Hall and I was at an event and we were eating pink lollipops.
What kind of event was it?
My friends’ cousin does step-shows and it’s really really fun and at the end we made up one of our own.
What is a step-show?
A step-show is a thing when people from colleges all around the world will come to one place and they’ll compete and they’ll use their feet and their bodies to make noises, so they don’t use any music or anything, they just make music with themselves.
Do you do step dancing?
Well, it kind of runs in the family cause my mom did it and I do it sometimes when we go to my mom’s college, I do classes. At the step show, since Mannequin Challenge is a really big thing now, they put that into the dances.
Why is step dancing meaningful to you?
To me, because when I started, and a lot of people don’t believe this, but I was really shy, and when I started stepping, I met a lot of really cool people and I gained friendships.
How did your friend’s parents and yours meet?
Well, my mom is in a sorority and so is my friend’s mom and they met like 20 years ago and so we kind of got forced into a friendship but we enjoy each other’s company.
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