Friday, October 14, 2016

Silvana V

When did you first read Harry Potter?
I’ve been obsessed with it ever since first grade, rereading it every once in awhile.

Who is your favorite character?
Probably Hermione Granger because I admire her work ethic and because she is a strong female protagonist.

In the Harry Potter books, who do you relate to most, and why?
I relate most to Hermione because she presents herself as a very confident person and I feel like that’s what I want to be. She also has her weak moments and I think it’s good she’s able to show that, too.

Do you remember first meeting your grandma?
She has been an important person in my life for my whole life. I don’t remember meeting her. She actually gave my first pair of earrings because she was the only one to know I was a female before I was born.  (She asked the doctor but my parents didn’t want to know. They wanted it to be a surprise.)

How much older are you than your sister?
My sister and I are three years apart but it feels like much more because we are in different parts of our life. As she is entering the awkward tween years of her life, I have a little bit more experience in existential crises.  In fact, I have one going on right now.  Why not ponder our existence!

What do you like best about family vacations?
I think the sense of unity is really important considering these are people I am related to by blood and I know I need count on them if I need anything! (That sounded selfish, but it’s true! They can count on me, too!)  If my sister calls me and needs money for the book fair, I’m like, “Hey! I’ve got you!”

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