Where were you in this photo?
This is me at the United Nations when I was at the International Day of the Girl which was pretty awesome.
What did they do there?
It was mostly just presenting about the giant world issues that are happening for girls.
Why did you want to go to this event?
Counter to popular belief, I actually am a girl and I went there because of activism, I guess.
Did you meet any interesting people there?
It was really crowded and I couldn’t get to meet the people I wanted to meet because they were being swarmed by other humans but there were some cool people.
How did you find out about this event?
Miss Bengels! (That human!)
What did you enjoy about it?
There two girls there who were presenting interpretive dance about the girls and what they were going through and they had singing parts and that was pretty cool.
What issues were most important to you at the event?
There was some pretty deep stuff that happened there. Miss Bengels told me that I was going to leave angry and I left angry.
Why were you angry?
Because still there is some bad stuff going on in the world and girls are getting married at like nine and that’s not cool at all.
Was there anything hopeful that you heard?
There a presentation about Malala and how she did some cool stuff and there was education now because of Malala and that’s important. Also there was a girl who was doing something with her Girl Scout troop for girls who were living in different countries who don’t have as many rights. She was giving them coloring books and crayons that they could color inspirational messages. That was pretty awesome.
How do you hope to make the world better?
Tacos for everyone! And also, there should be more rights for people, because if you are taking away people’s rights just because you think they’re stupid, that’s not cool. It’s like saying that “because I’m on a diet, you can’t have cake either.” That’s not cool.
If you had the chance to go again, would you?
Yes! Yes! 100% yes!