What made you want to be a counselor and help kids?
I thought I was going to go into the military for a long time and I was presented with an opportunity to do an internship at a juvenile detention center. From there, I realized that I couldn’t necessarily help those individual students as much as I wanted to so I asked those students what did they need before they got there and the one thing they said they needed was a counselor, someone that would have helped them before they got into the system.
How old is your daughter?
That is Mac, my daughter Makaila, and she is 18 months old.
What is the hardest part of being a dad?
Oh, gosh. Never being able to ensure her safety 100%.
Being a father has changed my outlook on life.
If you were counselling your kid, would it be from counselling one of your students?
Yeah. For me, that would be too much of a conflict of interest for me to ever try. I’ve thought about how I will separate myself as a parent and as a counselor as I get older. A counselor has to test your boundaries of emotional and social security, and as a father, your instinct is to protect.
Did you ever think about counselling adults?
I prefer middle school students, I should say, because you’re at an age where life is most complicated and a lot of times adults forget that. You’re at an age where you are still impressionable and we can set you up for some things that will benefit you. Adults are more hardened and are harder to change.
What are your hobbies?
I love soccer. I play in an adult soccer league. I am an avid person in the outdoors. I’m an outdoorsman; I love being in the backyard gardening. I need things that will keep my attention.
What are your biggest hopes for your daughter and for your students?
I do have a lot of hopes for you guys. I hope you will be individuals who are proponents of change, agents of change. I hope you are able to fill desires that you have, and in the course of that, make our society and communities better places. But more than anything, I hope that you guys and my daughter start to grow in a world that becomes more accepting, more tolerant, more loving.